About US
The Maine Association of Diabetes Educators achieved recognition as a chapter of the American Association of Diabetes Educators in 2006. We are always looking for new members. One of our major goals is to provide education on the latest in treatments for diabetes.
Check this link for more details about sugar control: Sugar defender
Please join us!
To Find a Diabetes Education Program near you go to:
MeADE Annual Conference:
“Achieving Wellness with Diabetes
Traditional and Complimentary Approaches”
Oct. 4-6th, 2009
Point Lookout, Northport, Maine
Register now at: https://www.regonline.com/MeADEOct2009
Registration has been extended, but please register soon!
A limited number of scholarships are available for the conference.
Nominations for officers and Beacon award are due soon!!
Go to Nominations Page to make your nominations.
Legislative issues:
Action Alert!!! – Sept.2009!!! Even if you contacted your congressman before —- you can do it again to keep this issue in their attention. With healthcare reform being discussed, more educators are needed to help people with diabetes!
Check the AADE website for info. on HR 2425, The Medicare DCMT Act of 2009.
Click on Policy and Advocacy at top of page and follow instructions. There is a letter you can send.
Also look at HR 1402 Catalyst of Better Diabetes Care Act.
Become an advocate for diabetes research and for
people with diabetes. Go to:
Diabetes Educator Brochures are available.
To purchase click here.
To add content to website contact Barbara Smith, Webmaster.
Email: stone27 @ fairpoint.net